Coverage Summary for Class: TestStalePreparedStatement (org.umlg.sqlg.test.datasource)

Class Method, % Branch, % Line, %
TestStalePreparedStatement 100% (3/3) 43.8% (7/16) 86.7% (26/30)
TestStalePreparedStatement$1 100% (1/1) 100% (2/2)
TestStalePreparedStatement$2 100% (1/1) 100% (2/2)
Total 100% (5/5) 43.8% (7/16) 88.2% (30/34)

 package org.umlg.sqlg.test.datasource;
 import org.apache.tinkerpop.gremlin.structure.T;
 import org.junit.Assert;
 import org.junit.Assume;
 import org.junit.BeforeClass;
 import org.junit.Test;
 import org.umlg.sqlg.structure.PropertyDefinition;
 import org.umlg.sqlg.structure.PropertyType;
 import org.umlg.sqlg.structure.topology.VertexLabel;
 import org.umlg.sqlg.test.BaseTest;
 import java.sql.*;
 import java.util.HashMap;
 public class TestStalePreparedStatement extends BaseTest {
     public static void beforeClass() {
         if (isPostgres()) {
             String jdbcbUrl = configuration.getString("jdbc.url");
             //disable prepared statement caching and set the autosave to never. This will override the PostgresPlugin
             // setting autosave=conservative.
             configuration.setProperty("jdbc.url", jdbcbUrl + "?prepareThreshold=1&autosave=never");
      * This is to test the behavior around, <a href="">pgjdbc/a>
      * Setting autosave=never, i.e. the default will allow the exception to occur.
     public void testStatePreparedStateCacheExceptionScenario() {
         VertexLabel vertexLabel = this.sqlgGraph.getTopology().getPublicSchema().ensureVertexLabelExist(
                 new HashMap<>() {{
                     put("a", PropertyDefinition.of(PropertyType.STRING));
         this.sqlgGraph.addVertex(T.label, "Person", "a", "a1");
         int prepareThreshold = 2;
         for (int i = 0; i < prepareThreshold; i++) {
             Connection connection = this.sqlgGraph.tx().getConnection();
             try (PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement("select * from \"V_Person\"")) {
                 ResultSet rs = preparedStatement.executeQuery();
                 while ( {
             } catch (SQLException e) {
                 throw new RuntimeException(e);
         //only now will it do a server side prepared statement
         vertexLabel.ensurePropertiesExist(new HashMap<>() {{
             put("b", PropertyDefinition.of(PropertyType.STRING));
         Connection connection = this.sqlgGraph.tx().getConnection();
         try (PreparedStatement preparedStatement = connection.prepareStatement("select * from \"V_Person\"")) {
             ResultSet rs = preparedStatement.executeQuery();
             while ( {
   "Expected PSQLException, 'ERROR: cached plan must not change result type'");
         } catch (Exception e) {
             Assert.assertEquals("org.postgresql.util.PSQLException", e.getClass().getName());
             Assert.assertEquals("ERROR: cached plan must not change result type", e.getMessage());